行者无疆 始于足下 - 行走,思考,在路上
#!/usr/bin/env bash ################################################################################ # Usage: A script to convert a movie to a movebarcode # Author: Xiao Hanyu# Depends: # ffmpeg: get basic info of a movie and convert it to a series of images # graphicsmagick: # convert, mogrify, blur images # bc: shell calculator ################################################################################ function get_duration { ## [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}(|\.[0-9]{1,2}) matches: ## hh:mm:ss.ms ## hh:mm:ss duration=$(ffmpeg -i $1 2>&1 | grep 'Duration' | grep -E -o "[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}(|\.[0-9]{1,2})") duration_h=$(echo $duration | awk -F: '{print $1}') duration_m=$(echo $duration | awk -F: '{print $2}') duration_s=$(echo $duration | awk -F: '{print $3}') movie_seconds=$(echo "$duration_h * 3600 + $duration_m * 60 + $duration_s" | bc) } function get_fps { fps=$(ffmpeg -i $1 2>&1 | grep -E -o "[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{2}\ fps" | grep -E -o "[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{2}") } movie=$1 get_fps $movie get_duration $movie ## use multi-cores of cpu to improve the speed of ffmpeg, see ffmpeg man page cpu_cores=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l) time ffmpeg -i $1 -r 1 -threads $cpu_cores image%d.png time gm mogrify -resize 0.5%x100% *png time gm convert $(for i in `seq 1 $movie_seconds`; do ls -l image$i.png; done | awk '{print $9}') +append result1.png time gm convert result1.png -blur 50 result2.png # resize result2.png with a proper size # I set new width to 2000, while keep the height intact new_width=2000 new_geometry=$(gm identify result2.png | awk '{print $3}' | awk -F+ '{print $1}' | sed 's/[0-9]*x/2000x/g' | sed 's/$/!/g') gm convert -resize $new_geometry result2.png result3.png rm image*png if [ -e $(which xdg-open) ]; then xdg-open result3.png fi
一个Shell Script的诞生
- 自动化地转码成指定的格式
- 上传到服务器
- 得到文件的url地址
对于第二个问题,经过几天的探索,顺带复习许久之前的Bash Scripting知识和众多的Unix Power Tools,终于想出了比较完善可行的方案,诞生了人生第一个比较“成形”的Shell脚本,惭愧……
#!/bin/bash ################################################################################ # Purpose: This interactive script is used for upload files onto a ftp server automatically. # Author: Xiao Hanyu(xiaohanyu@taohua.com) # Usage: ./send_file.sh # Depends: # lftp: used to transfer files # tree: used to get the directory tree # sed: used to get the filename # sort: used to match the url and the filename into a csv file # Notes: # This script need a configuration files which is set by -f parameter. # I have given a sample configuration file: sample.conf # After running this script, it will output the [filename:url] list to a file ################################################################################ # This function checks whether the necessary tools are available function usage { cat << EOF `basename $0`: A utility to send files to a remote ftp server automatically Usage: `basename $0` [Action] Example: `basename $0` -f config_file Actions: -f: set the configuration files -h: show this help EOF } # check the necessary tools function check_version { $1 --version > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "You must install $1 before executing this script." echo "You can type \"sudo apt-get install $1\" to finish this task under ubuntu os." echo "exit ..." exit 1 fi } # make sure that you have permission to create a temporary file under current directory function check_perm { touch tmp_lftp_script_file if [ $? -ne "0" ] then echo "You don't have permission to create temporary file under current directory." echo "Type \"chmod u+w current_directory\" to give users write permissions." echo "exit ..." exit 1 else rm -f tmp_lftp_script_file fi } # this script use some file to store something, so # if the file exists, we backup it into file.bak, and # create a new empty file function check_bak_file { if [ -e $1 ] then cp $1 $1.bak fi cat /dev/null > $1 } # parse parameters # -f for configuration file # -h for command help while getopts "f:h" arg do case $arg in f) config_file=$OPTARG ;; h) usage exit 0 ;; ?) echo "!!Wrong command options!" usage exit 1 ;; esac done # check whether or not configuration file exists if [ -e $config_file ] then # if $config_file exist, import the necessary variable source $config_file else echo "configuration file not exist." echo "exit ..." exit 1 fi # check lftp version echo check_version lftp # check tree version echo check_version tree # check permission check_perm # This file containts the command executed by lftp after login ftp server" lftp_script=lftp_sh check_bak_file $lftp_script # $url_file store the [key:value] for filenames and urls check_bak_file $url_file # ftp anonymous login username=${username:-"anonymous"} password=${password:-"anonymous"} # ftp default port port=${port:-"21"} # create lftp script executed by lftp echo "lftp $username:$password@$host:$port" >> $lftp_script echo "ls" >> $lftp_script echo "cd $rdir" >> $lftp_script for file in $lfiles do if [ -d $file ] # if $file is a directory, we should use 'lftp mirror -R' command then echo "mirror -R $file" >> $lftp_script # use $(tree -ifp --noreport $file | grep "\[" | grep -v "\[d" | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f2 | sed -e 's/\.\{1,2\}\///g') # to get all the filenames(contains relative path such "../../", "./", "../", "/", so we should use sed to get rid of these for tmp_file in $(tree -ifp --noreport $file | grep "\[" | grep -v "\[d" | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f2 | sed -e 's/\.\{1,2\}\///g') do if [[ $rdir == "." || $rdir == "" ]] # if $rdir==".", we shouldn't give a url like 'http://hostname/./filename' then echo -e "$(basename $tmp_file | sed -e 's/\..*//g')\thttp://$host/$tmp_file" >> $url_file else echo -e "$(basename $tmp_file | sed -s 's/\..*//g')\thttp://$host/$rdir/$tmp_file" >> $url_file fi done elif [ -e $file ] then echo "put $file" >> $lftp_script if [[ $rdir == "." || $rdir == "" ]] then echo -e "$file\thttp://$host/$file" >> $url_file else echo -e "$file\thttp://$host/$rdir/$file" >> $url_file fi else echo "!!Warning: $file not exist!" fi done lftp -f $lftp_script if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "Sending file failed, please check your ftp information." echo "exit ..." else echo "Sending file successfully!" fi # echo "rm -f $lftp_script"
######################################## # Purpose: This file is the sample configuration file for the send_file utility # Author: Xiao Hanyu(xiaohanyu@taohua.com) # Warning: # This file use bash script grammer to config, which means, you can't leave any space around '=' # Examples: # a=b <<-->> right grammer # b =c <<-->> wrong grammer # c= d <<-->> wrong grammer # d = f <<-->> wrong grammer # Second, all the variables marked '!!' is necessary, others have default values # Examples: # config_file= #!!(necessary variable) # username= (not necessary variable) # Third, all the parameter should be quoted by "" ######################################## # username and password to login an ftp server username="tiger" password="tiger" # hostname or ip of the remote ftp server host="" #!! necessary variable # port, default is 21 port= # local files, you should give the right absolute path # or the right relative path # both files are directories are allowed # files and directories are seperated by [space] or [tab] lfiles="send_file.sh sh_test sample.conf ../tmp t f g h ./sh_test" # remote directory which you upload your files into rdir="videos" # specify the url_file # url_file consists of two columns: filename and urls url_file="url_list"
- 直接用$1, $2, $3手工处理,暴力解析。这里你需要知道几个Bash变量,如$0代表bash脚本的名字,$1~$9分别代表着第1~9个命令行参数等等。优点是比较简单,缺点是太“简单”了。
- getopts,Bash内置,只支持短选项如'-a -b -c','-a option1 -b -c','-abc‘,不支持长选项如'--version'这样的,使用比较简单(因为是Bash内置嘛)。
- getopt,外部命令,比较复杂,支持长选项,我还不会用。
C++ Boost库提供Options组件,用来解析命令行参数。具体的实例可以参见Bash Shell中命令行选项/参数处理。我的脚本中用的是第二种方法。
配置文件的格式有多种选择,pluskid大神的闲谈程序的配置文件是篇很不错的说明。我的脚本功能比较简单,配置文件自然也不会太复杂,因此我想出了一个非常“卑鄙无耻”的方法——就是直接将配置文件写成bash script变量赋值的形式,然后在脚本中通过这么一句:
source $config_file
直接引入配置变量。我承认我太卑鄙了,当然好处是简单可行——但是对于运维人员(使用这个脚本的人来说),可能会莫名奇妙——为啥等号后面不能有空格,为啥变量赋值最好要加引号——因为他们不懂Bash Script的语法——所以每次写脚本的时候、想象一下假设你就是那个要使用脚本的人,怎样才算友好的脚本?——但是我没有时间研究更复杂的脚本解析了——欢迎指正。
功夫不负有心人,lftp有两种手段能够实现自动化的登录上传下载。第一种方式是通过lftp -f lftp_script_file的方式,-f指定一个文件lftp_script_file,这个文件里面包含登录lftp的命令和上传下载文件的命令。第二种方式是通过lftp的-u参数指定登 录名密码和-e选项指定登录后执行的lftp命令。这种方式的缺点在于每执行一条命令都要登录一下ftp——不过登录ftp所耗费的时间与上传文件的时间相比几乎可以忽略不计,所以也算不上一个大的缺点。
除了以上两种方式,我在扫ABS的时候偶然发现了Here Documents这个东西——这个曾经听说过但从来没有认真看过的东西,才发现这东西也有很多妙处,使用的当,同样可以实现lftp的自动登录上传。我采用的是lftp的-f选项,touch一个临时文件完成自动登录上传的。
send_file http://hostname/videos/send_file.sh hpm http://hostname/videos/hpm.avi
for file in $lfiles do if [ -d $file ] # if $file is a directory, we should use 'lftp mirror -R' command then echo "mirror -R $file" >> $lftp_script # use $(tree -ifp --noreport $file | grep "\[" | grep -v "\[d" | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f2 | sed -e 's/\.\{1,2\}\///g') # to get all the filenames(contains relative path such "../../", "./", "../", "/", so we should use sed to get rid of these for tmp_file in $(tree -ifp --noreport $file | grep "\[" | grep -v "\[d" | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f2 | sed -e 's/\.\{1,2\}\///g') do if [[ $rdir == "." || $rdir == "" ]] # if $rdir==".", we shouldn't give a url like 'http://hostname/./filename' then echo -e "$(basename $tmp_file | sed -e 's/\..*//g')\thttp://$host/$tmp_file" >> $url_file else echo -e "$(basename $tmp_file | sed -s 's/\..*//g')\thttp://$host/$rdir/$tmp_file" >> $url_file fi done elif [ -e $file ] then echo "put $file" >> $lftp_script if [[ $rdir == "." || $rdir == "" ]] then echo -e "$file\thttp://$host/$file" >> $url_file else echo -e "$file\thttp://$host/$rdir/$file" >> $url_file fi else echo "!!Warning: $file not exist!" fi done
- 给出更加友好的提示帮助信息
- 给出更健壮的配置文件语法
- 自动检查每个文件是否上传成功,如果没有成功,能否实现断点续传
- 支持log文件输出,便于时候分析和故障分析
- 如果磁盘空间不够给出警告信息等等